Paper on mental models of privacy at work accepted for PETS 2021
The paper entitled “Exploring Mental Models of the Right to Informational Self-Determination of Office Workers in Germany” by Jan Tolsdorf, Florian Dehling, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Delphine Reinhardt and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Luigi Lo Iacono has been accepted for the 21st Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2021).
February 1, 2021RBA long term study accepted at FC 2021
The paper What’s in Score for Website Users: A Data-driven Long-term Study on Risk-based Authentication Characteristics is accepted for FC 2021. A quick summary including a PDF version of the paper can be found on the study website.
January 26, 2021Mehrere Beiträge aus TrUSD im DuD-Schwerpunktheft Beschäftigtendatenschutz
In der Ausgabe 1/2021 widmet sich die Zeitschrift DuD Datenschutz und Datensicherheit dem Schwerpunktthema Beschäftigtendatenschutz. Fünf Beiträge und das Editorial des Hefts wurden vom Projekt TrUSD beigesteuert. Die Beiträge geben einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten zum Thema Beschäftigtendatenschutz – von der Erfassung des aktuellen Ist-Zustandes und Einführung in das Problemfeld, über die Analyse und Bewertung der Rahmenbedingungen, bis hin zu den Wegen für eine effektive praktische Umsetzung.
Die Gruppe für Daten- und Anwendungssicherheit war an den folgenden drei Beiträgen beteiligt:
Informationelle Selbstbestimmung am Arbeitsplatz
Autoren: Luigi Lo Iacono & Hartmut Schmitt
Verarbeitung von Beschäftigtendaten – Sichtweisen und Wünsche von Beschäftigten
Autoren: Svenja Polst, Jan Tolsdorf, Florian Dehling, Denis Feth
Benutzerfreundlicher Datenschutz in Cloud-basierten Office-Paketen
Autoren: Jan Tolsdorf, Florian Dehling, Denis Feth
Eine Übersicht aller Beiträge finden Sie auf dem Internetauftritt des TrUSD Projekts.
December 11, 2020RBA perception study accepted at ACSAC 2020
The paper More Than Just Good Passwords? A Study on Usability and Security Perceptions of Risk-based Authentication is accepted for ACSAC 2020. A quick overview of the study results and an Open Access version of the paper can be found on the study website.
“Security guru” Bruce Schneier published a blog article on our study.
October 1, 2020Evaluation of Risk-based Re-Authentication Methods published
The paper Evaluation of Risk-based Re-Authentication Methods, to appear at IFIP SEC ‘20, is published. A quick overview of the study results can be found on the paper website.
August 18, 2020UTE project started
In the research project “User Trust Experience” (UTE), the H-BRS University of Applied Sciences has been commissioned by TÜV TRUST IT in cooperation with Huawei UCD Center to examine influencing factors on users’ trust in technical components. More information can be found on the UTE project page.
July 15, 2020ODEA.5G project recommended for funding
Within the framework of the 5G.NRW competition, the North Rhine-Westphalian state government has recommended 13 projects for funding, including the ODEA.5G project. ODEA.5G aims to work on an e-assessment environment based on a 5G campus network together with University of Cologne. This project is a cooperation with Deutsche Telekom AG, Electric Paper Evaluationssysteme GmbH, and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
June 19, 2020Paper accepted at EuroUSEC 2020
The paper "Vision: Shred If Insecure - Persuasive Message Design as a Lesson and Alternative to Previous Approaches to Usable Secure Email Interfaces" by Jan Tolsdorf and Luigi Lo Iacono was accepted for the vision track of the 5th European Workshop on Usable Security (EuroUSEC 2020). The workshop is co-located with the 5th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2020) and scheduled for 7 September 2020 in Genova (Italy).
April 29, 2020Paper accepted at IFIP SEC 2020
The paper Evaluation of Risk-based Re-Authentication Methods by Stephan Wiefling, Tanvi Patil, Markus Dürmuth and Luigi Lo Iacono was accepted at the 35th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC 2020). The conference will take place September 21-23, 2020 in Maribor Slovenia.
April 28, 2020Paper published at AsiaUSEC 2020
The paper In Our Employer We Trust: Mental Models of Office Worker’s Privacy Perceptions by Jan Tolsdorf and Florian Dehling was published at the 1st Asian Workshop on Usable Security (AsiaUSEC 2020). The conference took place at February 14, 2020 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
April 27, 2020