Paper accepted at EuroUSEC 2018
The paper "Consolidating Principles and Patterns for Human-centred Usable Security Research and Development" by Luigi Lo Iacono, Matthew Smith, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Peter Leo Gorski and Peter Nehren will be published at the European Workshop on Usable Security (EuroUSEC 2018).
April 3, 2018Paper accepted at the ESEC/FSE 2017
The paper "Guidelines for Adopting Frontend Architectures and Patterns in Microservices-based Systems" by Holger Harms, Collin Rogowski and Luigi Lo Iacono has been accepted for publication at the 11th European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2017). The conference will be held from 4th - 8th September in Paderborn, Germany.
August 20, 2017Two papers accepted at the TrustBus 2017
The paper "On the Security Expressiveness of REST-Based API Definition Languages" by Hoai Viet Nguyen, Jan Tolsdorf and Luigi Lo Iacono as well as the paper "Mobile Personal Identity Provider Based on OpenID Connect" by Luigi Lo Iacono, Nils Gruschka and Peter Nehren have been accepted for publication at the International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business (TrustBus 2017). The conference will be held from 28th - 31st August in Lyon, France.
August 20, 2017Article published in DuD
The article "Anwendung der Blockchain außerhalb von Geldwährungen" by Stephan Wiefling, Luigi Lo Iacono and Frederik Sandbrink has been published in the Journal DuD - Datenschutz und Datensicherheit.
August 5, 2017Talk at CAST-Workshop "Blockchain - Sicherheit und Anwendungen"
Stephan Wiefling will give a talk on "Anwendung der Blockchain außerhalb von Geldwährung" at the CAST-Workshop "Hot topic 'Blockchain - Sicherheit und Anwendungen'" ( The workshop will be held on October 26th at Fraunhofer SIT in Darmstadt and the entire program can be found at this location (
July 19, 2017Talk on "OpenStack Cloud im Eigenbau" at the Semicolon
Stephan Wiefling will give a talk on "OpenStack Cloud im Eigenbau" at the Semicolon (GFU Cyrus AG) in Cologne. The talk can be attended free of charge on September 26th with an enrollment at this URL:\
March 3, 2017Article published in DuD
The article "Sicherheit für REST-basierte Systeme" by Hoai Viet Nguyen and Luigi Lo Iacono has been published in the Journal DuD - Datenschutz und Datensicherheit.
February 6, 2017CAST-Workshop on Usable Security at Fraunhofer SIT
The CAST-Workshop on Usable Security will be on February 9, 2017 at Fraunhofer SIT in Darmstadt and is organized by Luigi Lo Iacono, Melanie Volkamer and Andreas Heinemann. This workshop provides an overview of current insights from science and practice in the area of usable security and privacy.
January 12, 2017Article published in JISA
The article "Signalling over-privileged mobile applications using passive security indicators" by Luigi Lo Iacono, Peter Leo Gorski, Josephine Grosse and Nils Gruschka has been published in the Journal Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA).
December 16, 2016Book chapter published in Mobile Security and Privacy
The book chapter "REST-ful IoT Authentication Protocols" by Hoai Viet Nguyen and Luigi Lo Iacono has been published in the Book Mobile Security and Privacy, Advances, Challenges and Future Research Directions.
September 29, 2016